
Jase '-Face' Roan

Even though I would love to tell you all about my trip to Venice with Meeetch, Rob, KyKy, and all the other Rome friends, I wanted to take this opportunity to write about my friend Jase.  He's new to this 'reading blogs' thing so I thought it would be nice to 'throw a little shout-out' his way.

Jason Anthony Roan has always lived two blocks from me, yet we were never close until high school.  I blame this on the fact that I was just a lowly IC Knight and he was the cool public school kid...I mean, he actually DATED Mayar Sakr!  Over the years, I've gotten to know Jase pretty well and am happy to say that he is one of my closest friends.  He's always on time, he's nice, he tells funny stories, and he can grow a mean patch of hair on his chin.  Another great thing about Jase that few of you probably know is that the kid's dad is the SPORTS GUY FOR W.G.N.!!!!!  Talk about having an in when meeting girls.  Speaking of a sweet family, Deb Roan is a saint and I don't think you could find two cooler brothers out there: while DJ Matt Roan keeps him up on the music scene, Handy Dandy Andy Roan makes sure he's gettin $$$. 

A history of ballin with my man J-Rider
I got to know Boner best from our time together playing sports.  Here is a quick timeline of our relationship.

  • Teammates on the Indians for EYB baseball
  • YMCA and York summer camp rivals
  • 'Friends' at John Paxson basketball camp
  • Airborne teammates/ brothers
  • He was on the A team and I was on the B team freshman year
  • York Tennis York ||||| Tennis York Tennis
  • World's #1 player-fan tandem during the Dukes 2006 season
  • Jase's Driveway ballas 4 life

That's all I got for now.  Check back in another time for updates on what's going on in Jase's life.

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